I have finally had time to make my Christmas dress - just in time for my mother's birthday last week (February). Congratulate me because it is not black nor even dark. But floral - my hubby was very impressed and went so far as to say I looked sexy in bright colours. lol
I used the Burda 2943 as a foundation but I used my brand new dressmaker's dummy to make it fitted, rather than loose. I set up my dummy to my measurements and then realised that my nipples are closer together than my dummy so I changed the dials to narrow the chest and expand the sides and back. The one measurement I overlooked was shoulder to nipple which at my age is lower than my perky 'Flora'.
The material had a bit of a stretch in one direction but sewed like cotton and seemed like no trouble. I think it was cotton sateen. However, the front gapped once I put in the facing around the neck so perhaps I stretched it a little when I sewed it even though I staystitched it. To fix this I did a gather by using a stretched piece of elastic at the centre front and it shaped it nicely.
It feels really lovely to wear.